

What Is Responsive Web Design? And How to Get Started?

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In this article I will explain the importance of responsive web design. I will also cover the important notes about what responsive web design is, the purpose of responsive, how it works, the difference between responsive design and adaptive design, etc.

Did you know… 57% of internet users said they wouldn’t recommend a company with a poorly designed mobile website? This is not unexpected, given that mobile devices will generate 58.99% of global internet traffic in the second quarter of 2022. Responsive design is required to optimize web pages for mobile devices.

As a result, almost every web design company in California is now considering how to make websites responsive in almost every project they manage. You want to ensure that your website content is successful across all platforms, whether you’re a designer, developer, marketer, or company leader. Before you consider adopting responsive web design on your site, you need to understand the basics. In this article we will discuss what responsive web design is and how to get started.

What is responsive web design?

Responsive web design (RWD) is the process of creating websites that are adapted to the device the user is using. The goal is for a website to maintain its excellent usability and aesthetics regardless of the device on which it is displayed. Responsive web design adapts to user requirements by adapting to diverse screen orientations, sizes, platforms and layouts. This is done using CSS media queries, flexible grids and layouts, and responsive images.

What is the purpose of responsive web design?

Responsive web design helps users, web designers and developers, and web design companies in California. For example, it allows web developers and designers to create a site once for different devices instead of creating a new version for each one.

RWD allows you to develop one responsive website instead of two, one for desktop browsers and one for mobile browsers. The mobile friendliness of responsive web design also provides a better user experience for many people who surf the web, shop and bank on their phones. According to Zippia’s 2023 research, 82% of US shoppers use cell phones to make purchases, mostly for leisure and food purposes. Responsive web design can help improve your site’s SEO performance. Search engines like Google prefer user-friendly sites that attract users With fast loading times, responsive design and a smooth user experience (UX).

How does responsive web design work?

How responsive web design works

The next section delves into some markup languages, web technologies, programming languages, and processes that enable RWD.

Elements of responsive web design

Media queries that change the site layout depending on the device used by the user Flexible images are also known as responsive images because there are no set display size limits.

  • This adaptability makes it easy to resize images elegantly.
  • Fluid grids/fluid layouts that dynamically rearrange content columns to fit different displays or browser windows Flexible layout code that resizes website elements to fit multiple displays or browser windows
  • CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a computer language that controls the presentation and appearance of HTML elements.
  • HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is a computer language that specifies the content and structure of a web page.

Responsive design vs. adaptive design

Responsive design vs. adaptive design

You will likely come across the term responsive web design when researching responsive web design. You can compare these words using the table below.

Responsive web design

  • The page layout of a website changes dynamically depending on the display type, width and height of the device.
  • CSS media queries are used to update the styles.
  • Designer provides a single customizable layout that varies according to the device.
  • This is most effective for larger sites that are being designed for the first time.

Adaptive web design

  • The screen size is detected and the relevant layout is loaded.
  • It uses breakpoint-based static layouts that don’t respond after loading.
  • A different form design is needed for each device, such as separate web and mobile versions.
  • This method is most suitable for modest sites that need to be updated or renewed.

How to get started with responsive web design:

How to get started with responsive web design

The sections below can help you get started, whether you want to learn responsive web design and build websites for a California web design company, establish a career in responsive web design, hire responsive web design services, or use automated RWD website builders.

Set your RWD goals.

Checking in with your goals can help you focus your attention and efforts on the actions most essential to achieving those goals. What do you want to achieve and why? The following sections offer some examples. Choose the area that best suits your goals and continue reading the next steps.

  1. Start by rebuilding your site with graphics and information resized for smaller displays such as tablets and smartphones. That way, you’ll be ahead of the curve when mobile usage takes over the market.
  2. Write responsive content.
  3. Use CSS media queries to display different styles depending on the device used to view the site. As an illustration, consider the CSS code below:
    @media only screen and (max-width768px)

    When the screen is reduced to less than 768 pixels, each column should be 95% wide:

    @media only screen and (max-width768px) {
        /* For mobile phones: */
        [class*="col-"] {

    Take a look at the code below. You can try it out to learn more about media queries.

  4. Convert all your fonts to web fonts, which load faster and are significantly more cross-browser compatible than other fonts. It will help if you also consider investing in a logo and designing a web site ready for the retina.
  5. Include social networking buttons on your site so mobile visitors can share your material with their peers.
  6. Allow movies or slideshows on your site to play automatically while loading instead of requiring viewers to click first. This helps ensure that people only leave after accessing essential information.
  7. Make sure your navigation menu has precise wording and large buttons for easy access regardless of screen size.
  8. Consider how you can navigate the site on a smartphone or tablet when adding links to increase accessibility for users using these small devices.
  9. Test your site often to make sure everything looks great and functions correctly on different devices.


If you are not currently using responsive website design, now is the time to start. A responsive website is essential to provide a great user experience, which is critical to pleasing your consumers.

Moreover, responsive design may improve your search engine ranking, attract more visitors and consumers. With so many benefits, there’s no excuse not to switch to responsive website design. Websites that need to be updated or renewed.


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