

How to Recover Database from Recovery Pending Mode in SQL Server – Solved

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Whenever the database size is full, Microsoft SQL Server will display the database status as Recovery Pending. This means that SQL cannot access or modify databases in this mode and cannot allocate space within them.

If you are facing this problem and looking for a solution on how to restore a database from recovery pending state in SQL Server, read on to learn about the possible causes behind this problem and how to deal with it.

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Additional tips: Click here to know more about SQL Server database modes 

Why does a SQL database go into recovery pending state?

When we know the cause, finding a solution is never difficult. Let’s explore why SQL databases enter a recovery pending state by identifying some common root causes.

  • The database was not shut down properly because one or more incomplete transactions are still active.
  • Users tried to move data to another drive location because they thought it would improve performance but instead, they corrupted the data in the process
  • A database restore cannot be processed due to insufficient memory or disk storage.

Methods to repair pending recovery of SQL Server databases

Method 1: Manual ways to repair standby database

There are two manual methods to fix a SQL Server recovery pending condition; Follow these steps precisely to avoid any data loss while solving this problem:

  1. Mark the SQL database in emergency mode and start repairing it forcefully

To fix a problem waiting to restore a SQL Server database, run the following queries using DBCC CHECKDB:



ALTER DATABASE [DBName] set single_user




ALTER DATABASE [DBName] set multi_user


In an emergency, the SQL database is set to READ_ONLY, which disables logging, and exclusive access can be granted to administrators.

It can solve any technical problem while restoring the DB to its original state. The automatic exit from emergency mode occurs when all servers are operating normally again.

Important note: As the command suggests, this may result in data loss. Always make sure you have backups available to overcome the consequences.

  1. Mark the SQL database in emergency mode, then detach and reattach it to the primary database.

To fix a problem waiting to restore a SQL Server database, run the following queries without using DBCC CHECKDB:

ALTER DATABASE [DBName] set multi_user
EXEC sp_detach_db ‘[DBName]’
EXEC sp_attach_single_file_db @DBName = ‘[DBName]’, @physname = N'[mdf path]’

These commands will help the server recover a corruption-free transaction log and automatically create a new log.

Note: It is essential to backup all your data before performing any manual method on SQL server database. In case of an error, you can still restore it if you have made these backups. You should only do this if you are knowledgeable enough about what you are doing and can follow these steps without any hesitation. Otherwise, use the improved method described ahead!

Method 2: Using Stellar Repair for MS SQL 

To fix all SQL database errors from MDF or NDF files of any version, use easily and quicklySQL database recovery software. Highly recommended for repairing corrupted SQ L databases by MVPs and SQL DBAs around the world. Additionally, it supports Microsoft SQL Server 2019, 2017, 2016 and below.

The product provides an accurate solution in a few simple steps – let’s explore them!

Level 1: Locate the corrupted SQL database MDF file.


level2: Click Repair after clicking the SQL database MDF file.

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Step 3: Select scan mode to repair this MDF file and then click OK to continue.

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Step 4:A progress bar will appear, showing how much of the file has been fixed so far.

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Step 5: When the process is finished, click OK

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Step 6: Preview all recoverable objects and then save them from the File menu

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Step 7: Choose an appropriate way to save the corrected SQL file and click Next.


Step 8: Fill in the details to connect to SQL Server to save the file and click Next.

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Step 9: Specify a save mode appropriate for your data, then click Save

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Step 10: Once completed, if you have successfully saved, it will show Completed, Processing, Pending or Stopped.

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Step 11: After the saving process is finished, a confirmation message is displayed.

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to conclude

In this article, we have provided a brief overview of how to restore a database from a recovery pending state in SQL Server.

Our guide explains the manual process to fix SQL database restore standby with and without DBCC CHECKDB.

Additionally, we have explored an automated way to deal with such issues using software like Stellar Repair for MS SQL which fixes all possible issues and restores damaged SQL databases in a minimal amount of time.

Common questions

That. What to do when the database is in recovery pending state?

A. There is a manual solution to resolve SQL database recovery pending condition, but there is also a more efficient option available by using Stellar Repair for MS SQL.

That. How to check recovery pending status in SQL Server?

A. To find out the current state of a SQL database, run the following query:

SELECT name, state_desc from sys.databases 


Running the previous query will produce output like this,

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That. What is recovery pending status in SQL database? How to access important database objects?

A. When a SQL database needs to be restored and cannot start yet, it is considered to be in a recovery pending state. All you need to do is look at sys.objects in the System Catalog View to access objects within a SQL database.


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