

How to build a LinkedIn profile to attract recruiters

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LinkedIn is an online platform that connects professionals around the world. Through LinkedIn you can build your professional profile. Even now, it is not uncommon for recruiting Search for potential candidates for potential employees through LinkedIn. How to build a LinkedIn profile to attract Recruiting? Byron ClarkThe founder of CareerSidekick has three years of experience as a recruiting, revealed his secrets. Here are tips for building a LinkedIn profile, check it out!

Use keywords and search terms in the “Skills” section of your LinkedIn profile

Keywords will help you get ‘found’ on LinkedIn. Employers do many searches every day to find candidates. Your skills will count as dancing keywords on LinkedIn. By entering keywords in the skills section of your profile, it will appear when people perform related searches.

Make your profile picture and headline as attractive as possible to make your LinkedIn profile open

The employer will see 10 people on each page when searching. They will visit your profile based on the information they see at a glance from the search page. So, make sure Your LinkedIn title And a profile picture catches the eye of employers.

In your profile picture, make sure your picture looks professional and professional friendly. Meanwhile, the main title will appear right next to your name. This will make it easier for employers to find people who are relevant to what they are looking for. Some good examples titles they:

  • Senior Product Manager at (company name)
  • Head of Sales Department at (company name)

If your job title is unique, you can include more Keywords that show your field of work so that your profile appears in the top searches. Samples are included “Technical associate in software and information systems.”

Another thing to note is that you should not write too many words or affirmations Your title. Just include one or two affirmations that you think are most important Your title. The rest are listed in your profile. Have you ever heard the words ‘if everything is a priority, then no one is a priority? This is why employers look at profiles with too many titles.

Make sure your profile is interesting to listen to

After trying to attract the attention of employers using the two tips above, now is the time to deepen your profile. Don’t let the content of your profile disappoint potential employers Click on your There. The best way to do this is to include some recommendations on your LinkedIn profile.

Include two to three testimonials on your LinkedIn profile. Testimonials have the power to prove your credibility and make companies interested in ordering interviews When they find you through LinkedIn.

List your achievements specifically!

Instead of writing ‘In charge of TechBriefers Instagram account’ you can write ‘Grow TechBriefers Instagram engagement“. Don’t forget to list the actual results of your achievements as well. According to Clark, writing a responsibilities cannot show how successful you are. So it will be more attractive to recruiters if you also list your achievements. Some writing techniques you can for example are:

  • Increased the department’s revenue by 11% by acquiring 16 clients throughout 2019
  • Led 3 different case Projects with a total of 21 team members throughout January to March 2020, achieving an average target of 1500 audiences per case

role play becomes recruiting, Come on! Learn from other profiles that interest you

This is the easiest trick you can do. After implementing these 4 tips, you will be able to improve your LinkedIn profile. Pay attention to what others are doing in your industry or field. Then observe, imitate and change. You can do this by searching LinkedIn related to your field. For example, you are a teacher. Search for ‘guru’ through LinkedIn, then note which profiles you should be interested in opening. Also, analyze what makes you interested in seeing the profile.


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