

Coding Dojo Alumni Success | Billy Ding

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  • Worked as an office assistant
  • Study computer science briefly in college before dropping out
  • Wanted to start a career in technology quickly and thought bootcamp would prove to himself that he could do it
After Dojo:
  • Works as a software engineer at Afterpay
  • Loves to be in the technology industry and its new range of soft and technical skills
  • Dreaming of growing into a leading position and technical architect
program: Full-time online bootcamp
Certificate of Appreciation:

If this is something you want to do, do everything and learn as much as you can. If you drop out of college without relevant work experience like me can attend bootcamp and get a great job in less than 9 months (from the start of bootcamp until the landing of work), you can too. There are high-paying technology jobs and they are recruiting more than ever.

Tell us a little about yourself. Age, hobbies, passions, and what did you do (professionally) before the bootcamp?

Hi! I’m Billy. I’m 25. When I was a kid, I was always out playing sports and not really connected to technology, but I slowly became obsessed with college. I wrote my first line of code in college but fell quickly and failed the class. In fact, I failed a few computer science classes in college and ended up dropping out. It was rude. Going from this to now being a professional software engineer shows that anyone can learn these things, no matter their background. I love my job and being in the technology industry. I am constantly impressed by the speed at which technology is advancing and this is a roller coaster that is fun to be on. Some of my hobbies include playing ping pong and watching basketball.

Before bootcamp, I worked as an office assistant.

Beyond wanting to learn code, why did you decide to sign up for a coding bootcamp?

I wanted a career in technology and I wanted it as fast as possible. I liked the idea of ​​coding bootcamps because they provide a focused curriculum and a lot of practice. I thought of Encoding’s Bootcamp as an opportunity to prove to myself that I’m better than my poor college and that I have what it takes to break into the technology industry.

What fears or doubts “delayed you” from signing up? How did you overcome them?

I was not sure I could afford the time and financial commitment. I overcame that in savings and took out a loan. This allowed me to quit my job and fully commit to bootcamp.

What signed the deal on Coding Dojo? Why did you choose us over other programs?

I chose Coding Dojo because I had a few friends in attendance and they encouraged me to consider it.

What was it like preparing for bootcamp? Were you nervous, excited, etc.? How did you prepare?

I started studying full time about a month before the bootcamp started. First, I went over the preparation materials provided. After that, I watched the introductory lectures on computer science on YouTube (there are lots of free resources on the Internet) and coded as many programs from these lectures as possible. It gave me a lot of background knowledge and coding practice and I felt very ready when the bootcamp started.

Tell us about your first few weeks in the program. What were the parts you liked? Parts you struggle with?

During the first few weeks, I learned new tools and concepts every day. I loved how we would encode multiple small programs each day. It provided a sense of accomplishment. A lot of them seem repetitive until you discover how small design differences introduce new techniques. I struggled at first with setting up my computer to develop and debug. For this there is the name of the Tel Aviv and the guides 🙂

How did you overcome the obstacles or struggles you faced?

The Tel Aviv and the guides were great and helped me in every struggle. One-on-one meetings and code reviews were available whenever I needed to. There was always someone to guide me in the right direction.

Do you have any fun anecdotes to share about your time at bootcamp? Meet good friends? Pleasant memories?

I loved how projects became more and more competitive as our skills improved with each pile. It pushed me to keep improving my projects until the last minute before the presentations.

As your graduation date approached, how did you feel about your skills and job prospects?

I felt there were hundreds of topics I wanted more time with. I reviewed all the topics reviewed and formulated for myself what I am good at and what I need more time to learn. This was important to me because it provided a roadmap for studies and job search after graduation.

How was the job search conducted? Where did you get a job?

It was hard tahini. I alternated between excited and depressed depending on whether I was scheduled for an interview or not. Looking back, I did not manage my time well and it definitely extended my job search. At one point I was afraid to apply for the job because I did not want to fail the interview, which is of course ridiculous! There is nothing to lose and everything to gain by conducting an interview. It took 5 months and some delays in the last round but I was able to get a job as a software engineer at Afterpay.

Beyond the coding expertise, did the bootcamp give you anything else?

I got used to a lot of collaboration and presentation. The ability to explain what something does, how it does it and why it matters is an essential skill for interviews and at work.

What advice do you have for others who are interested in coding bootcamps or are just starting out?

If this is something you want to do, do everything and learn as much as you can. If you drop out of college without relevant work experience like me can attend bootcamp and get a great job in less than 9 months (from the start of bootcamp until the landing of work), you can too. There are high-paying technology jobs and they are recruiting more than ever.

What are your goals / dreams for the future, say in 5 or 10 years from now?

I hope to one day be a technical leader and architect.

If you are interested in learning how to code and upgrade your career, Coding Dojo bootcamp offers accelerated learning programs that can change your life. We offer both Part time and Full time Online courses as well instead of Programs (after COVID-19). We also offer funding options, scholarships and other tuition assistance programs to help you with financial barriers.

If you want to invest in yourself and your future, there is no better time than the present! If you are interested, use This link Schedule a 15-minute inquiry with one of our reception representatives today.


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