

Announcing Our New $100,000 Career Transition Fund

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As CEO of LEARN academy and someone who has personally navigated the uncertainty of career changes, I truly understand the fears and challenges of taking the leap. I am incredibly excited to announce the launch of our new Career Transition Fund, which provides the resources and support for people seeking to make their dreams a reality.

Changing careers can be a daunting prospect, but it’s important to remember that you’re not alone. There is a whole community of people who have been there before, and their collective experiences serve as an invaluable source of reassurance and encouragement for those taking the plunge.

At LEARN Academy, we firmly believe in empowering people to achieve their dreams and make a meaningful impact on their lives. With that mission in mind, we’re dedicating $100,000 to the Career Transition Fund to help as many people as possible embark on a successful web development journey. Together, we can turn fear into possibility and build a supportive community that fosters growth and success.

The goal: changing lives through technology

LEARN Academy was built by career transitions for career transitions. We know the unique challenges and rewards of taking a bold step to pursue a fulfilling career. Our entire team, from students to leadership, faced the emotional risk and feeling of being out of place while overcoming barriers. We are here to sympathize, connect and guide those who dare to follow a similar path.

In today’s fast-paced world, people need assistance and support to make significant life changes. We understand the importance of providing this support and the life-changing impact it can have. Our Career Transition Fund is designed to help those brave enough to dive into the dynamic technology industry, even when faced with financial constraints.

We believe that embracing career transitions is essential. They bring diverse perspectives, skills and experiences to the technology landscape. By supporting this group, we create an environment that fosters growth, collaboration and success for all involved. Our commitment goes beyond financial assistance; We are committed to fostering a community of like-minded people, eager to impact the technology industry.

Therefore, our mission in the next five cohorts is to ignite the fire of people eager to embark on a new journey and change their lives through our immersive 16-week coding bootcamp. We invite you to join us in this journey to empower career transitioners and help them achieve their goals. Together, we can shape the future of technology by fostering a diverse, inclusive and skilled workforce that drives innovation and success for years to come.

How does the career transition fund work?

The Career Transition Fund is available to people who wish to launch a career change and be eligible for one of our three scholarships:

  1. Women’s Coding Scholarship: As a woman in technology, I understand the importance of encouraging more women to enter the industry. This scholarship is for women who are passionate about pursuing a career in technology but face financial constraints that prevent them from attending a bootcamp.
  2. Coding Diversity Scholarship: Diverse and inclusive teams are the engines of innovation. The Diversity Coding Scholarship supports individuals from underrepresented groups who wish to pursue a career in technology. This scholarship aims to create a more inclusive tech industry and promote equal opportunity for all aspiring coders.
  3. New Start Scholarship: We are passionate about supporting those looking for a career change in the technology industry by offering the new Start Scholarship. This need-based scholarship helps people who have faced setbacks, are exploring new paths, and have recently been unemployed or laid off. We understand the challenges of career transition and want to help you take the first steps towards your new future.

The total scholarship amount for individuals will be awarded based on their scholarship application and application and interview for our 4-month Coding Bootcamp.

We’ve allocated $100,000 to the following five cohorts, and our goal is to help as many as we can launch a career transition into technology. So, we will award scholarships until the funds run out.

A comprehensive support system for career transitions

At LEARN Academy, we go beyond financial support. We have built a comprehensive support system to help career transitioners succeed in their new journey. Our program offers the following:

  1. Career transition plan: Our four-month program specializes in providing a framework to succeed in our classroom and beyond. Our guaranteed internship prepares you for real-world coding challenges and gives you instant experience on your resume.
  2. Career services: Our dedicated Career Services team ensures our students are well prepared for the job market upon graduation. From resume screening and interview coaching to job search assistance and networking opportunities, our team works tirelessly to help students land their dream job.
  3. supporting community: One of the most significant benefits of joining LEARN Academy is the strong sense of community among our students, alumni and staff. We foster a collaborative and inclusive environment where everyone is invited, valued and encouraged to contribute to the success of others.
  4. Continuous learning opportunities: As part of our commitment to the continued growth and development of our students, we offer continuing learning opportunities even after graduation. Through workshops, events and alumni networks, we ensure our graduates have access to resources and support to stay current and competitive in the ever-evolving technology landscape.

What are the next steps?

  1. Chat scheduling: Learn more about our various scholarship opportunities And which one are you entitled to?
  2. Please apply for our Full-Stack Web Developer Bootcamp: Submit your application to our upcoming Full-Stack Web Developer Bootcamp through the LEARN academy website.
  3. Complete the scholarship application: All interested persons must be admitted to the upcoming class and submit their applications for the coding scholarships.
  4. Notice of award: People who received the scholarship will receive a notification before the start of the class.

Our team is excited to help people like you take their first steps into the world of technology. With the Career Transition Fund, we want to create an environment where everyone can thrive and reach their full potential. So apply today and join us in shaping the future of the technology industry!

As someone who has gone through a career transition, I know firsthand the challenges of making a significant change. But I also know the amazing rewards that await those who dare to take the leap. So I’m proud to lead the LEARN Academy and launch the Career Transition Fund to open up more access for future technology professionals.

Together, let’s make a lasting impact on the tech industry by empowering career transitions and fostering a diverse, inclusive and skilled workforce. I can’t wait to see the amazing things you come up with!


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