

Angular 15 | What’s New and Why to Upgrade

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Angular is a popular JavaScript framework used to build web applications. It was first released in 2016 and has since gone through several updates and upgrades to improve its functionality and performance. The latest version, Angular 15, was recently released with new features and improvements that developers can take advantage of to build better web applications. This article explores the new features of Angular 15 and why upgrading to this version is beneficial.

Angular 15 new features

Improved rendering engine

Angular 15 comes with an improved rendering engine that offers faster rendering speeds, reduced memory consumption, and improved rendering performance. This engine is powered by the Ivy compiler, which is now the default compiler for Angular applications. Ivy offers better performance, improved package sizes, and faster rebuilds, making it easier for developers to build high-performance applications.

Improved accessibility

Angular 15 also offers improved accessibility features, making it easier for developers to build accessible apps for all users. The new version includes new ARIA features, improved support for keyboard navigation, and better support for screen readers, making it easier for users with disabilities to navigate and use web applications.

Enhanced testing capabilities

Testing is an essential part of building high quality web applications. Angular 15 offers improved testing capabilities, making it easier for developers to write and run tests for their applications. The new version includes a new TestBed API that simplifies testing, making it easier for developers to write and run tests for their applications.

Improved router

The router is an essential part of any web application, and Angular 15 comes with an improved router that offers better performance and improved functionality. The new version includes support for lazy loading, which allows developers to load parts of an application on demand, improving application performance.

Why upgrade to Angular 15?

Improved performance

Angular 15 comes with an improved rendering engine that offers better performance, faster rendering speeds, and reduced memory consumption. This improvement results in faster application load times and better overall performance, making it an attractive option for developers looking to build high-performance web applications.

Improved accessibility

Accessibility is a critical consideration when building web apps, and Angular 15 offers improved accessibility features that make it easier for developers to build accessible apps. The new version includes new ARIA features, improved keyboard navigation and better support for screen readers, making it easier for users with disabilities to use web applications.

Enhanced testing capabilities

Testing is an essential part of building high-quality web applications, and Angular 15 offers improved testing capabilities that make it easier for developers to write and run tests for their applications. TestBed’s new API simplifies testing, making it easier for developers to test their applications and identify problems early in the development process.

Improved router

The router is an essential part of any web application, and Angular 15 comes with an improved router that offers better performance and improved functionality. Lazy loading support allows developers to load parts of an application on demand, improving application performance and making it easier to build complex applications.


Angular 15 is a major upgrade that offers developers improved performance, improved accessibility, improved testing capabilities, and an improved router. These new features make it easier for developers to build high-quality, accessible, performant, and maintainable web applications. Upgrading to Angular 15 is a great option for developers looking to build high-quality web applications and take advantage of the latest web development technologies.


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