

An Overview of Common Folders in the Linux System

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Introduction: The Linux operating system follows a hierarchical file system, organized in different folders to manage files, programs and system resources. Understanding the purpose and functionality of these folders is essential to the effective navigation and management of a Linux system. In this article, we’ll provide an overview of some of the most common folders found in a typical Linux installation, along with examples and explanations of their use.


The /bin folder stands for “binary” and contains essential binary executable files needed to boot the system and basic user commands. It contains common commands like ls (list directory contents), cp (copy files) and rm (remove files). These executable files are accessible to all users of the system.

Example: To list the contents of a directory, you would use the command:

ls /bin


The /boot folder contains files related to the system boot process, including the kernel, initial RAM disk (initrd), boot loader configurations (eg, GRUB), and other boot-related files.

Example: To display the kernel files in the /boot directory, you can use the command:

ls /boot

/and so:

The /etc folder stores system-wide configuration files, which control the behavior of various applications, services and the operating system itself. It contains files such as network configurations, user account information, and scripts to run the system.

Example: To edit the network configuration file, you would use the command:

sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces


The /home folder is the default location for the user’s home directories. Each system user has a unique subdirectory within /home, where they can store personal files, settings, and documents.

Example: To navigate to your home directory, you can use the command:

cd /home/your_username


The /lib folder contains essential shared libraries required by system binaries and applications during runtime. These libraries provide common functions and code resources used by multiple programs.

Example: To list the contents of the /lib directory, you would use the command:

ls /lib

/ preferred:

The /opt folder is used to install optional or third-party software packages. It provides a location for standalone applications that are not managed by the system’s package manager.

Example: To access an application installed in the /opt directory, you can use the command:



The /tmp folder is used as a temporary directory to store files that are only needed for a short time. It is accessible to all users of the system and is usually cleared on reboot.

Example: To navigate to the /tmp directory, you can use the command:

cd /tmp

/dev: The /dev directory contains device files, which represent hardware devices and peripherals in the system. These files provide interfaces for interacting with devices, such as disk drives, terminals, USB devices, and more.

Example: To list the devices in the /dev directory, you can use the command:

ls /dev


The /var directory stands for “variable” and contains variable data files that change during system operation. It includes log files (/var/log), mail spool files (/var/mail), system process files (/var/run), and other variable data specific to applications or services.

Example: To display the log files stored in the /var/log directory, you can use the command:

ls /var/log


The /proc directory is a virtual file system that provides access to information about running processes and system resources. It contains directories and files representing processes, system information, kernel settings, and more. The files in this directory are not actual files on disk but interface to kernel data structures.

Example: To display information about the running processes, you can use the command:

ls /proc


The /srv directory is intended to hold site-specific data served by the system. It is often used by web servers or other network services to store files specific to a particular service or application.

Example: To access the files stored in the /srv directory, you can use the command:

cd /srv

/mnt and /media:

The /mnt and /media directories are used to temporarily mount external file systems, such as USB drives, network shares, or CDs. The /mnt directory is typically used for manual system administrator loads, while the /media directory is automatically managed by the system for temporary media loads.

Example: To mount a USB drive to the /mnt directory, you can use the command:

sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt

Conclusion: Understanding the purpose and use of the various folders in the Linux file system is essential to the effective administration and management of a Linux system. This article provided an overview of some common folders, including /bin, /boot, /etc, /home, /lib, /opt, and /tmp, along with examples of their use. Familiarity with these folders will help you navigate and work with Linux systems more efficiently.


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