

5 top strategy games to try in 2023

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There’s something about a good strategy game that makes you want to play it again and again. They are games that put your brain to use, making you think of new ways to play and different tactics to use.

It’s no wonder these gaming favorites have such high “replay value”. As we start a new year, we’re looking forward to some of the best strategy games to play in 2023, from classic board games to computer puzzle games.

Civilization #1

Perhaps one of the best PC strategy games of all time, culture Now entering its sixth iteration and continues to deliver.

You can create your own civilization, well, and expand your world however you want it to be. Take control of resources, declare war on other civilizations and basically conquer until you reign supreme.

Civilization 6 stepped up, especially with his expansion release, A storm is gathering, adding a new element to the game. In addition to the usual gameplay, this time, you have more control over how you affect the world and more variety in how you can achieve your goals.

Add to that the New frontier A season ticket, and this game is constantly offering new ways to challenge players.

# 2 NIS

What strategy do you use when you play a game of chess? Do you always want to play black to see how your opponent moves first? Or maybe you are a master strategist and you succeeded The Queen’s Gambit or the King’s Indian Defence.

There are so many options when playing chess, and it always comes down to competition. This makes it a fun and exciting game that will always offer a new perspective every time you play. So even if you are a chess rose, who knows what 2023 can bring? You might find new competition in the flesh or new online games and algorithms forever!

#3 Command & Conquer: Remastered Collection

“It’s Seth. Just Seth.” For anyone who remembers the original iconic line command and controlYou’re in luck, as you can play the original military strategy game again.

And if you’ve never played it before, it will be something new to enjoy. Take control of an army, build your local resources and troops and complete all missions.

You can play as both teams, enjoy lots of corny cutscenes and when you’re done, try the Alert A version of the game, which takes place in an alternate world where Hitler was killed before he came to power.

Unique stories add a compelling element to these strategy games, so if you’re looking for something fun to enjoy in 2023, this will do the trick.

#4 Poker

One of the most famous games around, poker is great for anyone who likes playing strategy (and cards too).

The popular card game is seen by many as a thinking game because to succeed; You have Learn poker strategy.

And rightly so because learning the right strategy will give you everything you need to excel at the game.

A poker enthusiast can learn enough strategy to take them far in a tournament. The good news is that there are many resources available to learn how to play poker and better understand the strategy.

You don’t have to go into a casino and experience it first hand. You can practice online and start tackling the game, learn the strategies and then play for real. What will 2023 bring to you and your poker face?

#5 Catan

We’re back to board games for the last game on the list. Catanor the machine The Settlers of CatanRequires deep thinking when you play.

The game is designed to take on the role of a settler, develop holdings and trade resources. You grow your settlement while trying to limit your opponents’ settlers and force them out of the game. If you ever have a board game night and you want to play more than one game, you’d better not start this one. It’s definitely an all-nighter!

So here you go. These are our top five strategy games to try in 2023. It’s a good mix of online or physical video games Board Games. Each one offers its own challenges and will get the gears turning as you think of new ways to win.


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